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BOS Minutes May 24, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May24, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Residents of Hilliard Road

HIGHLIGHTS:  In attendance was Mr. Ron Duford, Mr. & Mrs. Sassi, Mr. Larochelle and Mr. David Kenneally.  Also invited was Mr. Shawn Marston, he did not attend.

The Board of Selectmen invited these residents to meet with them regarding the realignment of Hilliard Road.  Based on the information received, Mr. Duford’s property pin is located literally on the very edge of Hilliard Road.  Mr. Duford said before the subdivision project was approved for the new lots beyond his property on Hilliard Road d he and other abutters met with the Planning Board, owner and contractor.  According to Mr. Duford, the contractor and owner agreed to relocate the road.  The Board reviewed the minutes of May 6, 1999 and discovered that Mr. Duford did request to the Planning Board that the road be relocated, but the Planning Board never made a condition of the new subdivision plan.  Chairman DeBold said Mr. Duford deeded a 50 foot right of way to the Town.  The situation was explained to the residents and all agreed that Hilliard Road should be relocated to move it away from Mr. Duford’s property line.  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally stated that relocating the road would not be a major problem.  He said 6 to 8 good size trees would need to be taken down, some brush would need to be cut back and the road graded.  He said that he could start this project mid summer.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Duford how much he would like the road relocated; Mr. Duford said that 10 feet would be fine.

Selectman MacCleery made a Motion to realign the Hilliard Road 10 feet between Map 7 Lot 1-1 and Map 7 Lot 1-2 away from the pin and Mr. Duford’s property line; and do any alignment necessary, but not to exceed 550 feet of realignment to the old cul-de-sac.  Chairman DeBold seconded the Motion and a vote was taken.  All were in favor.

SUBJECT:  General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Discussed was the issue of transferring the Town’s pool funds to Bank of New Hampshire as previously suggested by the Treasurer.  Patty shared information with the Board that she obtained from Kristi Camarcho of Citizen’s Bank.  Ms. Camarcho stated that Citizen’s Bank would give the Town of Chichester 2.65% interest on the checking account which is an increase up from .49%. Chairman DeBold made a
Motion:  In light of the information received, Citizen’s Bank will give the Town of Chichester 2.65% interest on the Pool Account and 2.65% on the checking account, the Board of Selectmen recommend the Town accounts stay at Citizen’s Bank.  Selectman MacCleery seconded the Motion. A vote was taken and all were in favor.  Chairman DeBold asked Patty to send a memo to the Treasurer, Carolee Davison and advise her of the Board’s recommendation and to invite the Treasurer to attend the next Board meeting so as a final decision can be made by both the Board and Treasurer.

Road Agent David Kenneally spoke with Chairman DeBold and Patty regarding CLD’s invoices.  CLD is the engineering firm that is working on designing Webster Mills Bridge.  Apparently, all the monies that have been appropriated specifically for the Webster Mills Bridge design have been expended on the project.  Additional invoices in the amount of $14,000.00 still need to be paid.  The money to pay for the invoices will have to come from the highway department’s operating budget.  

Selectman MacCleery had a concern regarding the minutes of May 10, 2005.  His concern was when the Board went into Executive Session, the reason was not stated, the minutes simply reflected RSA91-A:3(c).  A Motion was made by Selectman MacCleery to amend the minutes of May 10, 2005 to add: the reason for an Executive Session was to discuss personnel issues.  Chairman DeBold seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.  

Kelly Corner Farms submitted a request to allow the sheep to graze on Town property.  Patty showed the Board a copy of the Agreement between Kelly Corner Farms and the Town of Chichester. In the agreement, it stated that the use of  the property for grazing was for a indefinite time.  Selectman MacCleery stated that he called Chief Patrick Clarke to see if in the past there was any complaints or issues regarding the dogs guarding the sheep.  Selectman MacCleery stated that Chief Clarke had not called him back.  Patty will send a letter to Kelly Corner Farms to allow them to let the sheep graze on the Town property.

An Application for Automotive Recycling Dealer Registration and an Application For Vehicle Dealer License was received from Mr. Ed O’Brien who owns Chichester Auto was reviewed.  Patty is to follow-up with gathering specific information requested by the Selectmen.  

A letter from Mrs. Mayville was reviewed.  A response will be drafted by Patty and Chairman DeBold.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert